A little something called decision-making

IMG_8213.jpgEarlier in the week I had spoken to a friend of mine who is also a photographer. We were merely discussing our experiences with clients, photography gear and I guess just about the input we’ve allowed people to give when deciding on the various elements in our shoots. Well, she was telling me more about her experiences actually.

As much as it is a great thing to be open to different opinions from different kinds of people, it can be detrimental.

With the shoots I’ve had, whether events/portraits or merely my own project based shoots, being conceptual photography. I’ve encountered people giving their opinions – specifically with conceptual shoots.

As I said, it is great, but when you’re not firm in what you want to bring across or firm in who you are as a Photographer, you’ll find yourself compromising in ways you wouldn’t even notice at first.

Slowly but surely you’ll see different sorts of traits, styles, shot angles, shot sizes, locations. models show up in your work. While it’s good to be diverse and to be creative, but if you’re mimicking what everyone else wants, how are you able to identify yourself through your work?

I personally become conflicted on the inside when I feel like I’m not fulfilling what I really want, especially when there are so many voices.

When I scroll down my Facebook feed, I am able to quickly distinguish who’s work I’m looking at when I look at an image without seeing the name. Why? Because they have their OWN style. Whether it be the editing of the images, the style of the images, the shot sizes, I’ll know.

Tell me, how will people be able to spot your work if all you do is incorporate everyone else’s ideas?

I myself am trying to figure out my own style, I’m still in the beginning stages of learning what to cut out and what to incorporate. It’s hard, but it’s possible. IMG_8133.jpg

It’s a matter of being willing to make a decision. Whether people like it or not.

Grace and Peace.




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