If the shoe fits…

I’ve been feeling ANNOYED by this for years now. I absolutely hate that there are photographers who are not willing to support other photographers. Those who make it all about competition and rivalry. Why? I get that good competition is awesome and it keeps you on your toes, but if you genuinely know that it…

Trial & Error

Around some time last year I attempted to do a powder shoot in studio (yeah – there was quite a bit of a mess afterward). It was my first time doing a powder shoot in studio but it was also the first time I reached out on a Facebook photography group about finding a make-up…

My deepest regret in my Photography Career

Bear with me as I tell you one of my greatest regrets and painful experiences in my photography career. As a photographer, your job is to capture moments and to allow that moment to last within an image for years after the moment has passed, but what happens when you fail in that? In the…

Fundraising again? Why?

Why I’m glad you asked! (To myself). As some of you know, I started doing photography in the year 2014. It’s been more than three years ^_^ The way I managed to get my very first DSLR was through someone, an anonymous person blessing me with money to kickstart the process to me getting a…

Talking in front of creatives? YIKES!

Last week some time I was approached by this guy I know to be one of the speakers at a Photography workshop his hosting. My first thought was “Are you serious?”. I attended university with this guy, so we studied film together. His work is up to par and I know he has a specific standard,…

A little something called decision-making

Earlier in the week I had spoken to a friend of mine who is also a photographer. We were merely discussing our experiences with clients, photography gear and I guess just about the input we’ve allowed people to give when deciding on the various elements in our shoots. Well, she was telling me more about…

Delving into the process…

As I begin to work on a new concept that I plan on bringing to life through my imagery, I am reminded of a conversation I had with Algiero recently. Living in a society where things are so fast paced it’s easy to fall into the mentality of just wanting to get things done, as in…

Behind the scenes to Remnant Soldier

After every project I do, you can be assured I’ll release behind the scenes images and telling you about it. Why? Because the more I got into Film & Photography, the more I loved watching how things came together. I am greatly aware that things do not just form themselves. As I mentioned in the…

Remnant Soldier

About roughly a month ago I received a message from this guy named Algiero Minnie, asking me about my services and such. As I usually do, I asked what kind of shoot he had in mind and what the purpose of it was, he went on to say that it would be for an E.P…

RAW vs JPEG (In other words, how RAW blew my mind)

While shooting in JPEG during my earlier days, it was also around the same time that I didn’t take note of lighting. This was a hectic rookie mistake. What was ironic is that I learnt about this in Film. I guess that knowledge didn’t continue over to my photography knowledge. I think for the first…